Sunday, June 19, 2011

he is the one who i loved much

When i am going to go astray, you pull me back to the right path,

When i was in trouble, a life which shows the darkness, you give me light,

When i am going to fall, to give up all my life because of my weaknesses, you recharge my ‘energy’ so that i always prepared to face the reality,

When i tried to hate someone, you showered me with love so that i don’t have enemy in my life,

When i want to commit mistakes to someone which makes me angry, you stop & advice me so that people won’t give bad impression

When i am trying to write this post about you, i was surround by happiness, proud, grateful, atmosphere because god bless me with someone that always try to make my life complete & perfect .i can’t stop thinking of your sacrifices all the time because there are still lot things you gave up for me. Thank you dad & i love you always & always. saranghae appa!